
Website reader

Tool that translates text content from the blog, to audio. Making content more accessible to people with visual impairments.

Ao acessar uma notícia no blog, você pode clicar no botão "Ouvir Notícia" para iniciar a narrativa do texto.

What is VLIBRAS?

Tool that translates digital content (text, audio and video) into Brazilian Sign Language - LIBRAS, making computers, cell phones and Web platforms accessible to deaf people.

On the right side of the screen you can click on the “Vlibras” icon to activate it.

How to Increase and Decrease Text

To increase the font size, you can use your browser's native zoom by pressing “Ctrl +” to enlarge the entire site and “Ctrl -“ to decrease. To return to default, press “Ctrl 0”.

Support Contact

If you encounter accessibility issues on the pages of this site, you can contact our marketing team and point out the difficulties encountered on the page. contact




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